Christy Curton
Job Title
Lower Elementary Teacher, Golden Campus in the Aquamarine Room
How many total years have you worked in Montessori?
How many years have you worked at Compass?
Level of education and professional credentials
Bachelors in Biological Science
Master in Education
What is the most inspiring thing about working at Compass, with students and/or in Montessori?
One of the most inspiring things for me is to be a part of a public Montessori school that goes through high school. We believe in the work of Dr. Montessori and to see it go from 3 year olds to 18 year olds is a beautiful thing!
What is your favorite lesson in Montessori?
So hard to choose...! I would say one of my favorites is the checkerboard because of the way it visually explains multi-digit multiplication.
How were you introduced to the world of Montessori?
When I was in high school in Bloomington, Indiana I took an exploratory teaching class as a senior and went over to a small Montessori school for one hour a day and helped in one of their Children's House classes. I was amazed at what I saw and how the children were. I kept thinking of how different my school career could have been had I attended a Montessori school.
Fun fact - If we held a staff talent show, I'd wow everyone with my talent doing.....fill in the blank!
Ummm...baking amazing cookies??
List one passion you have outside of work