Kara Zwierkowski » Kara Zwierkowski

Kara Zwierkowski


Job Title

Mental Health Provider & Enrollment

How many total years have you worked in Montessori?


How many years have you worked at Compass?


Level of education and professional credentials

Masters of Social Work

What is the most inspiring thing about working at Compass, with students and/or in Montessori?

Focusing on Equity & SEL with students and seeing them feel better or understand a new perspective

What is your favorite lesson in Montessori?

OWL- So fun and important! 

How were you introduced to the world of Montessori? 

Friend told me about it

Fun fact - If we held a staff talent show, I'd wow everyone with my talent doing.....fill in the blank! 

Balancing in a half moon pose...or practicing savasana :)

List one passion you have outside of work
