Christin Bourg
Job Title
High School Special Education Guide
How many total years have you worked in Montessori?
How many years have you worked at Compass?
Level of education and professional credentials
Master of Science in Education
What is the most inspiring thing about working at Compass, with students and/or in Montessori?
I love getting to connect with students over a long period of time, watching their "aha" moments, and watching them find their path for their life beyond Compass.
How were you introduced to the world of Montessori?
I was introduced to Montessori, and Compass in particular, through my elementary Girl Scout troop in 2nd grade. My Girl Scout troop had a sleepover at the Wheat Ridge campus and I learned about "the school where students call their teachers by first name."
Fun fact - If we held a staff talent show, I'd wow everyone with my talent doing.....fill in the blank!
Singing the alphabet backwards
List one passion you have outside of work
Watching musicals