Maya Allen
Job Title
Upper Elementary Teacher, Fire Room on the WR Campus
How many total years have you worked in Montessori?
How many years have you worked at Compass?
Level of education and professional credentials
Master's of Professional Science (MPS) and Montessori Elementary Diploma (AMI)
What is the most inspiring thing about working at Compass, with students and/or in Montessori?
I have seen our Montessori lessons provide inspiration and connection for my students for many years and this continues to feed my love of teaching. Compass is a special place and have so much respect for my fellow Montessorians who put their heart and soul into their work each day. I wouldn't teach or have my children anywhere else!
What is your favorite lesson in Montessori?
At the moment, my favorite would be the volume materials in my geometry album. When the students get a 3D representation of volume and a hands on way to understand these concepts further, it sparks so much joy.
How were you introduced to the world of Montessori?
My mother was a primary Montessori teacher and I was a Montessori student in their Children's house, from ages 3-6.
Fun fact - If we held a staff talent show, I'd wow everyone with my talent doing.....fill in the blank!
List one passion you have outside of work
Traveling to new places to enjoy different cultures, food, people, etc.