Christine Gault
Job Title
Elementary Special Ed Assistant
How many total years have you worked in Montessori?
How many years have you worked at Compass?
Level of education and professional credentials
BA Elementary Education
What is the most inspiring thing about working at Compass, with students and/or in Montessori?
The Students and Staff are what make Compass such an amazing community. It is a nurturing and stimulating environment that is such a wonderful place to learn and grow.
What is your favorite lesson in Montessori?
Checkerboard or stamp games make multiplication fun!
How were you introduced to the world of Montessori?
After many years in the traditional early childhood classroom, I subbed in Golden Children's House back in 2016. I was in awe the whole day comparing it to what my teaching exposure and methods were. I left with a curiosity and appreciation for Montessori that finally brought me back to Compass in 2022.
Fun fact - If we held a staff talent show, I'd wow everyone with my talent doing.....fill in the blank!
Burning bread...not exactly a talent. I can cook a yummy meal, but count on me to burn the bread ...every. single. time.
List one passion you have outside of work.
I love exploring historic locations and being out in nature.